Tuesday, June 29, 2010

World Cup News Up-date from a local scene

2 weeks plus into the world cup, we now take a look at some of the daily world cup stories, scenario, the mood and the feel of the whole game up till now.

So far, for hubby, the WC has been progressing well. As long as his favorite team Brazil is still in the game, he’s a happy man.

Same with me, but then I have a lot of favorite teams, those with hunks are my fav, those with good players, are my fav too, teams that are good, are also my fav. Sometimes I get so confuse I’m not sure which team to support. Maybe I should just support the player will do.. :-D

I was at home, one week day afternoon when hubby text me and said he was walking briskly towards someone’s office, his mind elsewhere, when his feet hit an uneven slab stone on the ground and he fell like one of those football player who tripped & made a dive or something. He was in his formal working clothes. Luckily no one saw. Under normal circumstances, this sort of thing only happens to me.. :-D

Hubby’s favorite phrase since WC started : "Huh what…? Take out the garbage? I’ll do it this weekend…" That will include last weekend’s garbage.

My face is now like a garden for pimple.

Office hour, when I’m supposed to be working on my lappie, first thing I do is I check the result online in the FIFA.com website for the 2.30 am match. After which, the result will determine the mood & productivity of the whole day...

Task list for the week... ?  What’s that….!?!?

In the evening after shower and cleansing my face, I put on my moisturizer……, followed by the toner. Oh yeah, yesterday…., I forgot to wash my hair.

Some days I can have 2 cups of coffee, coz I forgot whether I had one earlier or not.

My FIFA.com website avatar was wearing Netherland’s jersey, and I wanted to change it to Argentina, coz Argentina was playing that night. As usual, when the game started, the internet network gets congested, and half way changing the jersey, the pc hang.

So my avatar was naked for like about 15 minutes.

See, I told you she was naked………. :-D

And those time when 2 of my fav team plays against each other, my avatar wears 1 team's jersey for 1st half, and then the other team's jersey for 2nd half. But more often than not, she's naked.. :-o

Comment from my furball?

No eye see...

Blog name - carrot head and applemint

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