Monday, July 27, 2015

Natural relief for headache within 5 minutes

Headaches can really be unbearable when it hits you and it can ruin your mood and your day. Taking pills to relief headache every time is not advisable, but if you do not get rid of it, it will certainly turn your day into an unproductive one.

In my own opinion, headaches are usually caused by stress, anxiety and pressure at work or at home. Here are a few easy and natural tips on how to counter headaches.

1. Bite or chew something

You can bite some "really" hard or crunchy snacks, but make sure it is healthy in content and in quantity. 

Picture taken from here

Or you can bite a pencil. To put it more appropriately, you can clench a pencil in the mouth, like this...

 Picture taken from here

It seems that clenching a pencil or chewing something crunchy helps to relief muscles that connects your jaw to your temple, hence, it relaxes you. (Do you ever wonder why most men tend to prefer popping in nuts or Indian fried snacks like muruku when they are stressed?)

This is a proven method that is recommended in quite a number of established health sites, like here or here. Note that this method is only effective for tension headaches and not for headaches caused by other reasons.

2. Try simple acupressure

Acupressure is an ancient technique based on the application of pressure to certain crucial points in our body to relief or eliminate pain.

Find the point on the upper part of your hand, precisely the point where your thumb and your index finger is joint. Press and start a circulation motion for a minute, like this...

Picture taken from here

It is recommended here, and you will be able to obtain more detailed information on this topic too.

3. Warm Compress

Apply a hot water bag to the back of your neck.

Picture taken from here

Alternatively, you can take a HOT shower, directing the water onto the back of your neck. The invigorating experience of having the powerful rain of hot water on your neck is like having a water massage. It relaxes tense muscles, therefore, alleviating the throbbing pain.

4. A Cup of Hot Lemon Drink or Ginger Tea

Lemon is refreshing and relaxing. It also helps maintain the acid-alkaline balance in your body and helps to flush out toxins too, whereas ginger helps to expel wind/air within the body.

Picture taken from here



Blog name - carrot head and apple mint


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  2. Headaches can be incredibly debilitating, impacting productivity and overall well-being. However, for those in Cincinnati, relief is within reach. With numerous healthcare facilities, specialized clinics, and holistic practitioners dedicated to headache relief in Cincinnati individuals can access a variety of treatment options tailored to their needs. Whether it's through medication, physical therapy, or alternative therapies, finding relief from headaches is a priority.

  3. Seeking Headache relief Cincinnati Exploring various non-invasive methods such as relaxation techniques, proper hydration, and stress management can often provide effective relief. Additionally, consulting with healthcare professionals can offer personalized strategies to address the underlying causes of headaches for long-term relief.


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